Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 302 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Engineering with computers. Springer-Verlag 0177-0667
Engineering workforce bulletin / EWC AAES. American Association of Engineering Societies 1072-9070
Engineering, science, and computer jobs. Peterson's Guides 0888-5826
Engineering: Cornell quarterly. College of Engineering, Cornell University 0013-7871
Engineers / Engineering Workforce Commission of the American Association of Engineering Societies. The Association 1079-7211
Engineers' salaries. Engineering Manpower Commission of the American Association of Engineering Societies 0071-0415
Englera [Direktion des Botanischen Gartens und Botanischen Museums] 0170-4818
English and Germanic studies. W. Heffer
English education. National Council of Teachers of English 0007-8204
English for specific purposes. Pergamon 0889-4906
English in Africa. Institute for the Study of English in Africa, Rhodes University 0376-8902
English in education. National Association for the Teaching of English [etc.] 0425-0494
English journal. National Council of Teachers of English, etc 0013-8274
English language and orientation programs in the United States. Institute of International Education 0071-0601
English language teaching journal : ELT. Oxford University Press 0307-8337
English literary renaissance. s.n. 0013-8312
English literature, 1660-1800; University of Iowa
English manuscript studies, 1100-1700. B. Blackwell 0957-8080
English miscellany; a symposium of history, literature and the arts. 0425-0575
English philological studies. Published by Heffers for the University of Birmingham 0308-0129
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 302 of 1080