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21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 321 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
European polymer journal. Pergamon Press 0014-3057
European potato journal = Europäische Zeitschrift für Kartoffelforschung = Revue Européenne de la pomme de terre. European Association for Potato Research 0367-1216
European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists Editions scientifiques Elsevier 0924-9338
European research. Kluwer/Martinus Nijhoff [etc.] 0304-4297
European review of agricultural economics. Mouton 0165-1587
European review of economic history. Cambridge University Press 1361-4916
European review of history = Revue européene d'histoire Carfax Pub. Co. 1350-7486
European review of Native American studies. Pallas Lap- es Konyvkiado Vallalat 0238-1486
European review of social psychology. J. Wiley 1046-3283
European romantic review. Logos Press 1050-9585
European single financial market. Euromoney 1461-9326
European societies : the official journal of the European Sociological Association Routledge 1461-6696
European sociological review. Oxford University Press 0266-7215
European studies review. Macmillan 0014-3111
European transactions on electrical power VDE-Verlag 1430-144X
European transactions on telecommunications : ETT Associazione elettrotecnica ed elettronica italiana, John Wiley & Sons 1124-318X
European transactions on telecommunications and related technologies. Associazione elettrotecnica ed elettronica italiana 1120-3862
European Union politics : EUP. Sage Publications 1465-1165
European urban and regional studies Longman Group 0969-7764
European urology Elsevier Science [etc.] 0302-2838
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 321 of 1080