Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Flavour and fragrance journal. |
Wiley |
0882-5734 |
Fleming's Canadian legislatures. |
University of Toronto Press |
1209-5591 |
Flexible services and manufacturing journal |
Springer US |
1936-6582 |
Flora neotropica. |
Published for Organization for Flora Neotropica by the New York Botanical Garden |
0071-5794 |
Flora of Ecuador. |
Botanical Institute, University of Göteborg and the Section for Botany, Riksmuseum, Stockholm |
0347-8742 |
Florida almanac. |
West Coast Productions, inc. [etc.] |
0361-9796 |
Florilegium. |
Carleton University |
0709-5201 |
Fluid dynamics research. |
North-Holland |
0169-5983 |
Fluid dynamics transactions. |
Macmillan, etc |
0137-6462 |
Fluid dynamics. |
Consultants Bureau [etc.] |
0015-4628 |
Fluid inclusion research : |
[s.n.] |
0375-6327 |
Fluid measurement and instrumentation / presented at the ... ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting ; sponsored by the Fluids Engineering Division, ASME. |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
1082-118X |
Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation Forum : [proceedings]. |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
1052-0228 |
Fluid phase equilibria. |
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. |
0378-3812 |
Fluid transients. |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
1087-6103 |
Fluidics quarterly. |
Delbridge Pub. Co. |
0015-4687 |
Fluorine chemistry reviews. |
M. Dekker |
0430-8069 |
Focus on chemically dependent families. |
U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Inc. |
1044-1719 |
Focus on dance. |
American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation |
0071-6294 |
Focus on family and chemical dependency. |
U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Inc. |