Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 36 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Africa development. Afrique et developpement. Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa 0850-3907
Africa index to continental periodical literature. Hans Zell Publishers for the Africa Bibliographical Centre
Africa media review. African Council on Communication Education 0258-4913
Africa report. African-American Institute 0001-9836
Africa research bulletin. Africa Research, Ltd. 0001-9852
Africa research bulletin. Blackwell
Africa research bulletin. Economic, financial, and technical series Blackwell 2053-227X
Africa today. Indiana University Press [etc.] 0001-9887
Africa. Oxford University Press 0001-9720
Africa. Edizioni africane 0001-9747
Africa. Africana Pub. Corp 0065-3802
African abstracts. International African Institute 0568-1200
African affairs. Published for the Royal African Society by the Oxford University Press 0001-9909
African American review. Department of English, Indiana State University 1062-4783
African and black diaspora Routledge 1752-8631
African arts. African Studies Center, University of California, Los Angeles 0001-9933
African commentary. African Commentary Corp 1045-2303
African development review = Revue africaine de deĢveloppement. African Development Bank 1017-6772
African economic history review s.n. 0360-6333
African economic history. African Studies Center, Boston University, etc 0145-2258
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 36 of 1080