Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 704 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Patristische Texte und Studien. Walter de Gruyter 0553-4003
Pattern recognition letters. North Holland 0167-8655
Pattern recognition. Pergamon Press 0031-3203
Patterns of prejudice. Institute of Jewish Affairs 0031-322X
Patterson's elementary education. Educational Directories Inc. 1044-1417
Paunch. s.n. 0031-3262
Pax et libertas. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 0031-3327
Pädagogische Monatshefte = Pedagogical monthly / Organ des Nationalen Deutschamerikanischen Lehrerbundes. Herold Co. 1948-092X
Pädiatrie und Grenzgebiete Harwood Academic, etc 0030932X
PC : the independent guide to IBM personal computers. Software Communications 0745-2500
PC magazine : the independent guide to IBM-standard personal computing. PC Communications Corp 0888-8507
PC/Computing. Ziff-Davis Pub. Co. 0899-1847
PCAT / by the staff of Kaplan, Inc. Simon & Schuster 1945-9556
PCAT success. Peterson's 1551-4099
PCI journal / Prestressed Concrete Institute. The Institute 0887-9672
Peabody journal of education. George Peabody College of Teachers 0161-956X
Peace and change / sponsored by the Conference on Peace Research in History & the Consortium on Peace Research, Education and Development. California State College 0149-0508
Peace and conflict : journal of peace psychology : the journal of the Division of Peace Psychology of the American Psychological Association. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1078-1919
Peace research. Canadian Peace Research and Education Association 0008-4697
Peace review. Peace Review Publications 1040-2659
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 704 of 1080