Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 735 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Predicasts F & S index United States. Predicasts Inc. 0277-9676
Preliminary overview of the economy of Latin America and the Caribbean / Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. The Commission 1014-7802
Premiere. s.n. 0399-3698
Prenatal diagnosis. Wiley 0197-3851
Prensa médica argentina Prensa Médica Argentina 0032745X
Preparation and properties of solid state materials. M. Dekker 0096-9184
Preparative biochemistry & biotechnology. M. Dekker 1082-6068
Preparative biochemistry. Dekker 0032-7484
Prepared foods. Gorman Pub. Co. 0747-2536
Preprints of papers - Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute. Stanford University Press 0096-2155
Presence africaine. [s.n.] 0032-7638
Presidential studies quarterly. Center for the Study of the Presidency 0360-4918
Preslia. Academia 0032-7786
Preventing school failure. Heldref Publications 1045-988X
Preventive medicine. Academic Press 0091-7435
Preventive veterinary medicine. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. 0167-5877
Previews of heat and mass transfer. Rumford Pub. Co. 0094-9477
Price, Waterhouse & Co. review. The Company 0885-730X
Prikladnai︠a︡ matematika i mekhanika : sbornik izdavaemyĭ pri blizhaĭshem uchastii Leningradskogo mekhanicheskogo NIT obshchestva = Applied mathematics and mechanics. Gos. tekhniko-teoret. izd-vo 0032-8235
Primary care. W.B. Saunders 0095-4543
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 735 of 1080