Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 759 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Progress in cardiovascular diseases. W.B. Saunders Co. [etc.] 0033-0620
Progress in chemical fibrinolysis and thrombolysis. Churchill Livingstone 0361-0233
Progress in chemical toxicology. Academic Press 0079-6158
Progress in clinical psychology. Grune & Stratton 0079-6182
Progress in colloid & polymer science. D. Steinkopff 0340-255X
Progress in communication sciences. Ablex Pub. Corp 0163-5689
Progress in community mental health. Grune and Stratton 0079-6190
Progress in control engineering. CRC Press 0079-6212
Progress in cosmic ray physics. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0097-1502
Progress in crystal growth and characterization of materials. Pergamon Press 0960-8974
Progress in crystal growth and characterization. Pergamon Press 0146-3535
Progress in cybernetics and systems research. Hemisphere Pub. Corp 0275-8717
Progress in electromagnetics research : PIER. Elsevier 1043-626X
Progress in elementary particle and cosmic ray physics. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0079-6247
Progress in energy and combustion science. Pergamon Press 0360-1285
Progress in experimental personality & psychopathology research. Springer Pub. Co. 1056-7151
Progress in experimental personality research. Academic Press 0079-6255
Progress in experimental tumor research. S. Karger 0079-6263
Progress in fibrinolysis. Churchill Livingstone 0262-0790
Progress in hematology. Grune & Stratton 0079-6301
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 759 of 1080