Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 822 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Rozprawy matematyczne. Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe 0860-2581
Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana. Ernst Wasmuth Verlag 0940-7855
RQ. Reference and Adult Services Division of the American Library Association 0033-7072
RSA journal. The Royal Society of Arts 0958-0433
Rubber chemistry and technology. 0035-9475
Ruch wydawniczy w liczbach. Instytut Bibliograficzny 0511-1196
Rue Descartes / College international de philosophie. Albin Michel 1144-0821
Rundschau. National Carl Schurz Association 0048-8763
Rural Africana. African Studies Center, Michigan State University 0085-5839
Rural history : economy, society, culture. Cambridge University Press 0956-7933
Rural sociology. Rural Sociology Section, American Sociological Society 0036-0112
RUSA update / Reference and User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association. The Association 1095-2624
RUSI. Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies 0307-1847
Russell. McMaster University Library Press 0036-0163
Russia & Eurasia facts & figures annual. Academic International Press 1074-1658
Russia and Eurasia armed forces review annual. Academic International Press 1098-6251
Russia and Eurasia documents annual. Academic International Press 1943-703X
Russia and Eurasia military review annual. Academic International Press
Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Stryker-Post Publications 2167-4353
Russia, Eurasian States, and Eastern Europe. Stryker-Post Publications 1062-3574
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 822 of 1080