Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Second language research. |
Edward Arnold Ltd. |
0267-6583 |
Secretary's report to the commissioners. |
H.M. Stationery Office |
0950-6985 |
Section of Antitrust Law : [report]. |
American Bar Association |
1045-0785 |
Securities regulation law journal. |
Warren, Gorham & Lamont |
0097-9554 |
Security dialogue. |
Sage |
0967-0106 |
Security studies. |
Frank Cass |
0963-6412 |
Sedimentary geology. |
Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. |
0037-0738 |
Sedimentology. |
Blackwell Scientific Publishers [etc.] |
0037-0746 |
See : a journal of visual culture. |
Friends of Photography |
1076-4550 |
Seed technology. |
Published jointly by Association of Official Seed Analysts [and] Society of Commercial Seed Technologists |
1096-0724 |
Seeing and perceiving. |
Brill |
1878-4755 |
Sefer Ohel moʻed : |
Zikhron ḳedoshe Polin |
Sefer Ohel moʻed. |
Merkaz "Zikhron ḳedoshe Polin" |
Seijigaku : Nihon Seiji Gakkai nenpō. |
Iwanami Shoten |
0549-4192 |
Seismic engineering / Sponsored by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division, ASME. |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
1069-0891 |
Seismological research letters. |
Eastern Section, Seismological Society of America |
0895-0695 |
Seiyåo kotengaku kenkyåu = Journal of classical studies |
Iwanami Shoten |
0447-9114 |
Seizure : the journal of the British Epilepsy Association. |
Baillière Tindall |
1059-1311 |
Sele arte. |
Olivetti |
0037-1173 |
Selecta mathematica. |
Birkhäuser |
1022-1824 |