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3953 results for validationLevel: Page - page 164 of 198
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Classical weekly Classical Association of the Atlantic States 1940-641X
The Classical world. Classical Association of the Atlantic States 0009-8418
The Clearing house. Inor Pub. Co. 0009-8655
The CLR James journal CLR James Society 2167-4256
The Coleopterists' bulletin. The Coleopterists' Society 0010-065X
The College mathematics journal : an official publication of the Mathematical Association of America. The Association 0746-8342
The Commonwealth forestry review. Commonwealth Forestry Association 0010-3381
The Comparatist. Southern Comparative Literature Association 0195-7678
The Comparative and international law journal of southern Africa = Tydskrif vir regsvergelyking en internasionale reg van Suidelik Afrika = Jornal de direito comparativo e internacional para os paises do sul da Africa = Journal de droit comparé et international des pays de l'Afrique Australe = Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung und internationales Recht des Südlichen Afrika. Institute of Foreign and Comparative Law, University of South Africa 0010-4051
The compass / American Association of Social Workers 2373-6909
The Compleat lawyer. Section of General Practice, American Bar Association 0741-9066
The Concord saunterer. Thoreau Lyceum 1068-5359
The Condor. Cooper Ornithological Club 0010-5422
The Connecticut common school journal and annals of education. Published under the direction of the Conn. State Teachers' Association 2158-9259
The Connecticut common school journal. [publisher not identified] 2159-0133
The Conradian : the journal of the Joseph Conrad Society (U.K.) The Society 0951-2314
The Contemporary Pacific. Center for Pacific Islands Studies & University of Hawaii Press 1043-898X
The coordinator : bulletin of the Oregon Coordinating Council on Social Hygiene and Family Life. The Council 1540-8256
The course of study : a monthly publication for teachers and parents devoted to the work of the Chicago Institute, Academic and Pedagogic Chicago Institute, Academic and Pedagogic 1545-5890
The Crane bag. Crane Bag 0332-060X
3953 results for validationLevel: Page - page 164 of 198