Search Results

3953 results for validationLevel: Page - page 97 of 198
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Law & society review. Published for the Law and Society Association, by Sage Publications 0023-9216
Law and contemporary problems. School of Law, Duke University 0023-9186
Law and history review. Cornell Law School 0738-2480
Law and human behavior. Plenum Pub. Corp 0147-7307
Law and literature University of California Press 1535-685X
Law and philosophy. D. Reidel 0167-5249
Lawyer of the Americas Institute for Inter-American Legal Studies of the University of Miami School of Law 0023-9445
Le cahier / Collège international de philosophie. Editions Osiris 0980-1626
Le folklore vivant; cahiers internationaux d'art et de littérature populaires Éditions Elzevir 0766-7752
Le Maître phonétique Association phonétique internationale 1016-832X
Le Mouvement social. Éditions Ouvrières 0027-2671
Le Travail humain. Presses Universitaires de France [etc.] 0041-1868
Leaflet / The Museum 2167-6194
Learning and teaching. Berghahn Journals 1755-2273
Learning disability quarterly : journal of the Division for Children with Learning Disabilities. The Division 0731-9487
Lectura Dantis. Italian Program, Dept. of Spanish, Italian, and Portugese, University of Virginia 0897-5280
Lecture notes series / Institute of Mathematical Studies The Institute 0749-2189
Lecture notes-monograph series / Institute of Mathematical Statistics The Institute 0749-2170
Legacy. Dept. of English, University of Massachusetts 0748-4321
Legislative studies quarterly. Comparative Legislative Research Center, University of Iowa 0362-9805
3953 results for validationLevel: Page - page 97 of 198