Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 1010 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Transactions of the North Staffordshire Ceramic Society. The Society
Transactions of the Philological Society. Published for the Society by B. Blackwell 0079-1636
Transactions of the Rhode Island Medical Society Rhode Island Medical Society 0898-137X
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. The Society 0370-8136
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. The Society 0372-137X
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. The Society 0557-417X
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. The Society 0372-1965
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. The Society
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. The Society 0035-9181
Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Botany The Society 359181
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa. Royal Society of South Africa 0035-919X
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 0035-9203
Transactions of the San Francisco Microscopical Society. [The Society]
Transactions of the Society of Rheology. John Wiley & Sons [etc.] 0038-0032
Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. The Society
Transactions of the Tennessee Academy of Science. Williams Printing Co.
Transactions of the Texas Academy of Science for ..., together with the proceedings for the same year. Academy
Transactions of the Texas Academy of Science. The Academy
Transactions of the Worcester North Agricultural Society. Worcester North Agricultural Society
Transactions of the Wordsworth Society.
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 1010 of 1073