Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 272 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Dissertation abstracts international. University Microfilms International 0307-6075
Dissertation abstracts. University Microfilms 0095-9154
Dissertation abstracts. University Microfilms 0420-073X
Dissertation abstracts. University Microfilms 0099-3123
Dissertations accepted for higher degrees in the Graduate school of Arts and Sciences. Fordham University 0362-0182
Distilled Spirits Institute annual report. [The Institute]
Distinguished lectures in special education and rehabilitation. Dept. of Exceptional Children, University of Southern California 0070-6736
Distribution age. Distribution and Warehousing Publications 0734-256X
Distribution manager. Chilton Co. 0196-7290
Distribution worldwide. Chilton 0012-3951
Distribution worldwide. Chilton Co. 0886-3512
Distribution. Chilton Co. 1066-8489
Diverse issues in higher education. Cox, Matthews & Associates 1557-5411
Dixie contractor. Regional construction journal of the Southeast. Dixie Contractor, inc 0012-4281
DNA and cell biology. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. 1044-5498
DNA reporter. Delaware Nurses' Association
DNV offshore update. Det Norske Veritas
Dōbutsu shinrigaku nenpō. Dō Gakkai 0003-5130
Doctoral dissertations accepted by American universities / compiled for the National Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies by the Association of Research Libraries. H.W. Wilson Co. 1046-9222
Doctoral dissertations on Asia. Association for Asian Studies [etc.] 0098-4485
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 272 of 1073