Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 288 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Education next : Hoover Institution, the Leland Stanford Junior University 1539-9664
Education of the visually handicapped : the official publication of Association for Education of the Visually Handicapped. The Association 0013-1458
Education statistics of the United States. Bernan Press 1524-394X
Education, research and perspectives. Dept. of Education, University of Western Australia 0311-2543
Education. New England Pub. Co. 0013-1172
Educational abstracts. [Educational Abstracts]
Educational and child psychology / Division of Educational and Child Psychology. British Psychological Society 0267-1611
Educational communication and technology : EC&TJ. Association for Educational Communications and Technology 0148-5806
Educational evaluation and policy analysis. American Educational Research Association 0162-3737
Educational executives' overview. Buttenheim Pub. Corp 0424-575X
Educational foundations. Prakken Publications 1047-8248
Educational gazette. Educational Gazette Pub. Co.
Educational horizons. Pi Lambda Theta 0013-175X
Educational leadership : journal of the Department of Supervision and Curriculum Development, N.E.A. The Dept 0013-1784
Educational measurement, issues and practice. National Council on Measurement in Education 0731-1745
Educational media and technology yearbook. Libraries Unlimited, Inc. 8755-2094
Educational media yearbook. R. R. Bowker 0000-037X
Educational method : [Dept. of Supervisors and Directors of Instruction of the National Education Association of the United States]
Educational method. Dept. of Supervisors and Directors of INstruction, National Education Association of the United States
Educational monograph / Kansas State Teachers College
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 288 of 1073