Search Results
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 349 of 1073 | 347 348 349 350 351 |
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Title | Publisher | ISSN | Program (Institution) |
Geologiia i geofizika. | Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences of USSR | 0016-7886 | |
Geologii︠a︡ rudnykh mestorozhdeniĭ. | 0016-7770 | ||
Geologija : razprave in poročila. | Državna Založba Slovenije | 0016-7789 | |
Geologische Rundschau. | Ferdinand Enke Verlag [etc.] | 0016-7835 | |
Geologiska foreningens i Stockholm forhandlingar. | The Society | 0016-786X | |
Geologiska föreningens förhandlingar. | The Society | ||
Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva = Annales géologiques de la péninsule Balkanique. | Izd. i štampa Kraljevsko-srpske državne štamparije | 0350-0608 | |
Geomatica. | Canadian Institute of Geomatics | 1195-1036 | |
Geometriae dedicata. | D. Reidel Pub. Co. | 0046-5755 | |
Geometry & topology. | Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick | 1465-3060 | |
Geomicrobiology journal. | Taylor & Francis [etc.] | 0149-0451 | |
Geominas. | Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo de Bolívar | 0016-7975 | |
Geomorphology. | Elsevier | 0169-555X | |
Geophysica / Geophysical Society of Finland. | Geophysical Society of Finland | 0367-4231 | |
Geophysica Norvegica; geofysiske publikasjoner. | Universitetsforlaget | 0332-5903 | |
Geophysical journal international. | Published for the Royal Astronomical Society, the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft, and the European Geophysical Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0956-540X | |
Geophysical monograph. | American Geophysical Union | 0065-8448 | |
Geophysical research letters. | American Geophysical Union | 0094-8276 | |
Géophysique. | ORSTOM | 0398-3218 | |
Georg Büchner Jahrbuch. | Europäische Verlagsanstalt | 0722-3420 |
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 349 of 1073 | 347 348 349 350 351 |