Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 417 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International journal of sport psychology : official journal of the International Society of Sports Psychology. Pozzi 0047-0767
International journal of strategic property management. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 1648-715X
International journal of the classical tradition : IJCT : the official journal of the International Society for the Classical Tradition. Transaction Periodicals Consortium 1073-0508
International journal of the sociology of language. Mouton 0165-2516
International journal of the sociology of law. Academic Press 0194-6595
International journal of theoretical physics. Plenum Press 0020-7748
International journal of tissue reactions. Bioscience Ediprint Inc. 0250-0868
International journal of tropical insect science. CABI Pub. 1742-7584
International journal of urban and regional research. E. Arnold 0309-1317
International journal on the unity of the sciences. International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences 0896-2294
International journal on tissue reactions. Bioscience Ediprint 02500868
International journal. Canadian Institute of International Affairs 0020-7020
International Juridical Association monthly bulletin. International Juridical Association
International Kodakery.
International labor and working class history. Study Group on International Labor and Working Class History 0147-5479
International labour documentation. Central Library and Documentation Branch, International Labour Office 0020-7756
International law and relations. American University Graduate School
International law reports. Butterworth & Co. 0309-0671
International League of Women Composers newsletter / ILWC. The League 0748-5735
International legal materials. American Society of International Law 0020-7829
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 417 of 1073