Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 6 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
AACSB bulletin. American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business 0001-0057
AAESPH review. American Association for the Education of the Severely/Profoundly Handicapped 0147-4375
AALL spectrum : American Association of Law Libraries magazine American Association of Law Libraries 1089-8689
AAMA motor vehicle facts & figures. Government Affairs Division of the American Automobile Manufacturers Association
AAMC directory of American medical education. Association of American Medical Colleges 0360-7437
AANA journal. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists 0094-6354
AAOHN journal : official journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses. Published by SLACK Inc. for the AAOHN 0891-0162
AAPG bulletin. American Association of Petroleum Geologists 0149-1423
AAQ. Architectural Association quarterly. Diplomatic and Consular Publishing Services, etc 0001-0189
AARP : Art and archaeology research papers. s.n. 0308-5597
AARP modern maturity. AARP 1538-5981
AARP the magazine AARP 15419894
AATSEEL's newsletter / American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages. The Association 0001-0251
AAUW journal. American Association of University Women 0001-0278
Ab imperio Ab Imperio 2166-4072
ABA banking journal. Published for the American Bankers Association by Simmons-Boardman Pub. Co. 0194-5947
ABA journal. American Bar Association 0747-0088
Abaco. Castalia 0572-3000
Abatis Humanities Division, University of Tampa 0882-9586
Abbey letter. [Saint Gregory's Abbey]
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 6 of 1073