Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 656 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Personnel management. Business Publications 0031-5761
Personnel needs and training for biomedical and behavioral research : National Academy of Sciences
Personnel psychology. Personnel Psychology, Inc. 0031-5826
Personnel. Amacom-P 0031-5702
Personnel. Institute of Personnel Management 0223-5692
Perspectivas rurales Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias, Programa Regional en Desarrollo Rural, Universidad Nacional Costa Rica 1409-3251
Perspective : Focal Press
Perspective. Heldref Publications, etc 0048-3494
Perspective. Pakistan Publications 0553-7398
Perspective. Perspective 0031-5893
Perspective. Pittsburgh Theological Seminary 0031-5907
Perspectives : review of Central European affairs / Institute of International Relations. Institute of International Relations 1210-762X
Perspectives in American history. Published for the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History, Harvard University, by Cambridge University Press 0079-0990
Perspectives in computing / IBM. International Business Machines Corp 0273-4621
Perspectives in education. Faculty of Education, University of the Witwatersrand 0258-2236
Perspectives in medical virology. Elsevier 0168-7069
Perspectives in Mexican American studies. Mexican American Studies & Research Center, University of Arizona 0889-8448
Perspectives in pediatric pathology. Karger [etc.] 0091-2921
Perspectives in psychiatric care. Nursing Publications, inc 0031-5990
Perspectives in religious studies. Association of Baptist Professors of Religion 0093-531X
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 656 of 1073