Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 753 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Research in social stratification and mobility. JAI Press 0276-5624
Research in sociology of education and socialization. JAI Press 0197-5080
Research in sociology of education. JAI, an imprint of Elsevier Science 1479-3539
Research in the history of economic thought and methodology. JAI Press 0743-4154
Research in the history of economic thought and methodology. JAI Press 1051-6751
Research in the interweave of social roles. JAI Press 0272-2801
Research in the social scientific study of religion. JAI Press 1046-8064
Research in the sociology of health care. JAI Press 0275-4959
Research in the sociology of organizations. Jai Press 0733-558X
Research in the teaching of English. National Council of Teachers of English 0034-527X
Research in urban economics. JAI Press 0277-0121
Research in urban sociology. JAI Press 1047-0042
Research in virology. Elsevier 0923-2516
Research journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation. The Federation 1047-7624
Research management. Industrial Research Institute 0034-5334
Research materials on religion in Eastern Europe. Centre de recherches et d'étude des institutions religieuses 0486-5065
Research memorandum / The Foundation
Research memorandum series / issued by the American Choral Foundation in affiliation with the American Choral Directors Association. The Foundation 0002-788X
Research methods in neurochemistry. Plenum Press 0096-2902
Research on chemical intermediates. Elsevier 0922-6168
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 753 of 1073