Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 783 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Rutgers computer & technology law journal. Rutgers Law School 0735-8938
Rutgers journal of computers and the law. Rutgers Law School 0048-8844
RWF crossroads. [Rural Workers Fellowship] 0741-0948
Rythmes du monde. [publisher not identified] 0036-0546
S L R camera. Haymarket Press 0036-1631
S-39 /
S.A. argiefblad 1012-2796
S.A.E. transactions. Society of Automotive Engineers 0096-736X
S.A.M. advanced management journal. Society for Advancement of Management 0036-0805
S.E.M. newsletter. Society for Ethnomusicology 0036-1291
SA crime quarterly. Institute for Security Studies 1991-3877
SA. Sociological analysis. Association for the Sociology of Religion 0038-0210
Sacra doctrina. Ediz. Studio Domenicano 0036-2190
Sacred music. Church Music Association of America 0036-2255
Sacred web. Ali Lakhani 1480-6584
SAE journal of automotive engineering. Society of Automotive Engineers 0097-711X
Saeculum. K. Alber 0080-5319
Safety in high pressure polyethylene plants. American Institute of Chemical Engineers
Saga book of the Viking Society for Northern Research. AMS Press
Saga-book of the Viking Club. AMS Press
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 783 of 1073