Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 812 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Social philosophy & policy. Basil Blackwell for the Social Philosophy and Policy Center, Bowling Green State University 0265-0525
Social policy. Social Policy Corp., etc 0037-7783
Social praxis. Mouton 0304-2405
Social problems. Published by the University of California Press for the Society for the Study of Social Problems [etc.] 0037-7791
Social progress trust fund ... annual report. Inter-American Development Bank
Social psychiatry = Sozialpsychiatrie = Psychiatrie sociale. Springer-Verlag 0037-7813
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology Springer International 0933-7954
Social psychology quarterly. American Sociological Association 0190-2725
Social psychology. American Sociological Association 0147-829X
Social report CERN
Social science & medicine. Pergamon Press 0037-7856
Social science & medicine. Pergamon Press 0160-8002
Social science & medicine. Pergamon 0271-5384
Social science & medicine. Pergamon 0271-5392
Social science & medicine. Pergamon Press 0160-7979
Social science abstracts. Published under the auspices of the Social Science Research Council, by Social Science Abstracts, Inc.
Social science computer review. Duke University Press 0894-4393
Social science history. Sage [etc.] 0145-5532
Social science information / International Social Science Council = Information sur les sciences sociales / Conseil international des sciences sociales. The Council 0539-0184
Social sciences in China. Social Science Pub. House of China 0252-9203
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 812 of 1073