Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 822 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Sovetskai︠a︡ ėtnografii︠a︡. Izd-vo Akademii nauk 0038-5050
Sovetskai︠a︡ khudozhestvennai︠a︡ literatura i kritika : Sovetskiĭ pisatelʹ
Sovetskai︠a︡ muzyka : Ogiz Muzgiz 0131-6818
Sovetskie arkhivy. Glav. arkhivnoe upr. SSSR 0038-5166
Sovetskiĭ ėkran; dvukhnedel'nyĭ illi͡ustrirovannyĭ zhurnal. Soi͡uz rabotnikov kinematografii SSSR 0132-0742
Sovetskoe finno-ugrovedenie = Soviet Fenno-Ugric studies. Perioodika 0038-5182
Soviet and East European performance. Institute for Contemporary Eastern European Drama and Theatre 1047-0018
Soviet and Eastern European foreign trade. IASP 0038-5263
Soviet applied mechanics. Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0038-5298
Soviet astronomy letters. American Institute of Physics 0360-0327
Soviet astronomy. American Institute of Physics 0038-5301
Soviet astronomy. AJ. American Institute of Physics 0278-3495
Soviet biotechnology. Allerton Press 0890-734X
Soviet culture. Congress for Cultural Freedom
Soviet Documents 0584-5432
Soviet immunology. Allerton Press 0739-8433
Soviet journal of atomic energy. Consultants Bureau
Soviet life. Embassy of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics in the USA 0038-5549
Soviet literature. Foreign Languages Pub. House 0202-1870
Soviet materials science. Consultants Bureau 0038-5565
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 822 of 1073