Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 98 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
ARL : a bimonthly newsletter of research library issues and actions. Association of Research Libraries 1050-6098
ARL academic health sciences library statistics / Association of Research Libraries. The Association 1538-9006
ARL annual salary survey. Association of Research Libraries 0361-5669
ARL statistics. Association of Research Libraries 0147-2135
ARL supplementary statistics / Association of Research Libraries. The Association 1533-9335
ARMA records management quarterly. Association of Records Managers and Administrators 0191-1503
Armed Forces journal international. Army and Navy Journal, inc 0196-3597
Armed forces journal. Army and Navy Journal, inc 0004-220X
Armenian church. Diocese of the Armenian Church of America 0004-2315
Armored cavalry journal. U.S. Armored Cavalry Association 0097-3688
Arms control today : a publication of the Arms Control Association. The Association 0196-125X
Army and Navy journal. Army and Navy Journal, inc 0275-2360
Army ordnance : the journal of the Army Ordnance Association. The Association 0097-3696
Army, Navy, Air Force journal & register. Army and Navy Journal, Inc.
Army, Navy, Air Force journal. [Army and Navy Journal Inc.]
Army. Association of the United States Army 0004-2455
ARN journal. Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 0362-3505
Arnoldia. Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University 0004-2633
Around the world news of population and birth control. International Planned Parenthood Federation
Arqueologâia mexicana. Editorial Raâices 0188-8218
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 98 of 1073