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1505 results for yearArchived: 2008 - page 37 of 76
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoĭ; Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta
Liaoning shi yuan xue bao, she hui ke xue bao.
Library accessions list / Unesco Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Library bulletin. Dept. of Education
Library catalogue. Historical Association
Life and light. Turun Pakistan Publishers 0024-3051
Life chemistry reports. Harwood Academic 0278-6281
Lifewriting annual : biographical and autobiographical studies. AMS Press 1559-2898
Lighting research & technology. Illuminating Engineering Society 0024-3426
Ling biao gu zhong.
List of members.
List of publications / Bapist Johnson
List of scholars resident in Europe / University of Cambridge Centre of South Asian Studies
List-Studien. Topos
Liste des bénéficiaires de citations accordées par les autorités de l'Armée de terre,
Liste du corps diplomatique au Caire. République arabe unie, Ministère des affaires étrangères
Listed construction materials and equipment and methods of construction and of installation of equipment conforming to the fire and panic safety standards. State of California, Office of State Fire Marshal
Listing of aircraft accidents/incidents by make and model, U.S. civil aviation / National Transportation Safety Board. The Board ; Available to the public through the National Technical Information Service 0360-3954
LITA yearbook. Library and Information Technology Association
Literary studies. B.M.Razdan 0024-4600
1505 results for yearArchived: 2008 - page 37 of 76