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1505 results for yearArchived: 2008 - page 44 of 76
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Occupational distribution of employment: Canada and provinces.
Octubre. Topos Verlag
Official handbook.
Official railway manual of the railroads of North America. Russells' American Steam Printing House
Okayama Daigaku Kyōyōbu kiyō. Okayama Daigaku Kyōyōbu
Operating systems review. ACM Special Interest Group on Operating Systems 0163-5980
Operational analysis papers. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
Oplysningsblad om dokumentation. [SCAD (IX-D-1)]
Optical materials North-Holland 0925-3467
Optical storage technology. Meckler Pub. 1047-3505
Optics education. SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 1050-4966
Oregon State monographs.
Organic electronic spectral data. Wiley & Sons [etc.] 0078-6136
Orient. 0048-220X
Oriental thought. V.P. Mahajan, etc 0474-6597
Otchet. Tipo-lit. I. Kazansakago universiteta
Otia. Association des classiques de l'Université de Liège 0773-7432
Overview reports. [National Advisory Council on Vocational Education] 0145-6113
P2 pollution prevention review. John Wiley & Sons 1079-0276
PACEreport. President's National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services
1505 results for yearArchived: 2008 - page 44 of 76