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1505 results for yearArchived: 2008 - page 67 of 76
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The international who's who in distance learning. International Where + How
The international who's who of women. Europa Publications Limited 0965-3775
The Jewel of Africa. Jewel of Africa 0021-6259
The John Peter Zenger award for freedom of the press and the people's right to know. University of Arizona Press 0146-4957
The journal of Algerian studies. F. Cass 1362-9417
The Journal of systems and software. Elsevier North Holland 0164-1212
The Journal of tropical pediatrics and African child health.
The journalist : Society of Professional Journalists
The Kabul times annual. Kabul Times Publishing Agency 0453-0500
The Lady's who's who = Pallas Pub. Co.
The Lakehead University review. 0023-7337
The Mabry family. Don Collins
The Macmillan medical cyclopedia. Macmillan
The Michigan journal of history. The Michigan journal of history
The National Trust handbook for members and visitors. The Trust 0958-4897
The New braille musician. Print edition. Library of Congress, Division for the Blind and Physically Handicapped 0093-2817
The Official Associated Press sports almanac. Alpine Book Co., etc 0094-3274
The Ontario Historical Society news letter. The Society 0831-8387
The Pacific islands handbook. The Macmillan Co.
The Pakistan year book & who's who. Kitabistan
1505 results for yearArchived: 2008 - page 67 of 76