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8913 results for yearArchived: 2009 - page 12 of 446
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Afghan jehad : Cultural Council of Afghanistan Resistance
Afghan Women's Network member directory. Afghan Women's Network
AFOCEL. Association Forêt-cellulose (AFOCEL)
Africa agriculture. [Africa Journals Group]
Africa challenge, all Africa journal of theology. All Africa Conference of Churches : Conference of African Theological Institutions 1682-8569
Africa habitat review journal. SBE Publications, University of Nairobi 2519-7851
Africa index to continental periodical literature. Hans Zell Publishers for the Africa Bibliographical Centre
African development perspectives yearbook / Schelzky & Jeep
African newspapers in selected American libraries. Serial Division, Reference Dept., Library of Congress
African profiles international : TPA Communications 1074-1836
African publishers networking directory. African Books Collective Ltd. 1368-8472
African women link. Elizabeth Lwanga Okwenje and Eunice Nijambi Mathu
Afrika; W. de Gruyter
Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization. /
Afryka, Azja, Ameryka Łacińska : studia i materiały / Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych, Instytut Geografii Krajów Rozwijających się. Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 0208-8010
Afsānah : Afsānah
Agcomm directory. Agoric Communications of Southern California
Age concern today. [Age Concern England, etc.]
Agenda : Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Regionales, Universidad de los Andes
8913 results for yearArchived: 2009 - page 12 of 446