Search Results

8913 results for yearArchived: 2009 - page 82 of 446
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Canadian research digest. Research Division, Canadian Education Association 0576-6028
Canadian subject headings.
Canadian theses on microfiche; catalogue; supplement = Thèses canadiennes sur microfiche; catalogue; supplément National Library of Canada 0316-0149
Canadian women and job related laws. Women's Bureau, Labour Canada
Cancer report. Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Canciones de antaño y hogaño. [publisher not identified]
Cao di ren. [publisher not identified]
Capacity of refrigerated warehouses. Crop Reporting Board, Statistical Reporting Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture 0191-1309
Capitol's who's who for Oregon. Capitol Pub. Co.
Care and conservation of manuscripts. Museum Tusculanum Press : University of Copenhagen 1602-1339
Career for the college man : Careers Inc.
Careers and the college grad. Bob Adams, Inc. 1089-7186
Cargonews Asia Far East Trade Press Ltd. 0252-9610
Carmina philosophiae International Boethius Society 1075-4407
Carolinea. Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe 0176-4004
Caron's directory of the city of Bloomington, Indiana and taxpayers of Monroe County. Caron Directory Co.
Carta cronológica de las relaciones internacionales chilenas / Programa de Seguimiento de las Políticas Exteriores Latinoamericanas
Carte semiotiche : Casa Usher
Cartes archéologiques de la Belgique. Service national des fouilles 0772-411X
Cartinform. Institute of Surveying, Geocartographic Research Dept 0133-7084
8913 results for yearArchived: 2009 - page 82 of 446