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39438 results for yearArchived: 2010 - page 39 of 1972
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Aesthetics. The Japanese Society for Aesthetics 0289-0895
Aevum antiquum / Istituto di filologia classica e di papirologia. Vita e Pensiero 1121-8932
Aėrozoli i ikh primenenie, trudy soveshchanii︠a︡. Izd-vo Ministerstva selʹskogo khozi︠a︡ĭstva SSSR
AFA technical report. Associate Committee on Agricultural and Forestry Aviation, National Research Council of Canada
AFDC standards for basic needs. U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Social Security Administration, Office of Policy, Office of Research and Statistics 0731-1982
Afdeeling Nederlandsch Oost-Indië.
Affiches, annonces et avis divers de la ville et arrondissement de Bayeux. C. Groult
Affiches, annonces et avis divers et feuille judiciaire de la ville et de l'arrondissement de Bayeux. C. Groult
Affinity chromatography and related techniques : Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. ;
Affirmative action information report. [MESC Bureau of Research and Statistics]
Affirmative action information report. [MESC Bureau of Research and Statistics]
Afghan studies. Society for Afghan Studies 0265-4822
Afghanische Studien. A. Hain 0344-3264
Afkar. Center for Information and Development Studies 0854-4565
AFMI annual convention. [AFMI)]
AFRA : newsletter of the Association for Rural Advancement. AFRA 1562-8140
Afrasian. University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies
Afri-cult 4 : revue africaine pour le développement culturel. Afri-Cult 4 0850-1637
Africa at a glance. Southern African Freedom Foundation ; Africa Institute of South Africa 0065-3829
Africa bibliography. Manchester University Press 0266-6731
39438 results for yearArchived: 2010 - page 39 of 1972