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39438 results for yearArchived: 2010 - page 69 of 1972
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
American publishers. K.G. Saur, Inc. 0887-9230
American racing record for ...
American radio. Duncan's American Radio
American railroad manual for the United States and the Dominion. American Railroad Manual Co.
American savings and loan news. American Savings and Loan News
American shipbuilders. Marine Pub. Bureau
American soil conservation district news.
American Southdown record.
American sports analysis. American Sports Data
American state papers. Gales and Seaton
American Stock Exchange company guide. CCH for the American Stock Exchange
American string teacher. American String Teachers Association 0003-1313
American studies. American Studies Association
American studies. [American Studies Association of the Philippines]
American trade schools directory. Croner Publications 0517-564X
American turf register and sporting magazine. [J.S. Skinner]
American underwriter.
American woodsman. S. Stanley Hawbaker
Americas telecommunication indicators = Telecom Policies Division, Telecommunications Development Bureau, International Telecommunication Union
Americas trade & finance Latin American Information Services, Inc. 1062-8118
39438 results for yearArchived: 2010 - page 69 of 1972