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37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 1657 of 1892
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Luther Family. [Leslie L. and Bertha K. Luther]
The Lutheran home journal. [Lutheran Board of Publication]
The Lutheran watchman. [publisher not identified]
The Lymphocyte literature index Excerpta Medica 0304-3916
The M Street radio directory. RadioPhiles, Inc. ; Distributed to the trade in the United States and Canada by Watson-Guptill 1052-7117
The Machine shop yearbook and production engineers' manual. P. Elek publications
The MacNeil/Lehrer report. Microfilming Corp. of America 0192-1460
The Magazine of Albemarle County history. Albemarle County Historical Society 0076-2342
The Magazine of building, house & home edition. Time, Inc.
The Magazine of the fine arts; Warren
The Magdalene syndrome gazette. The Magdalene Syndrome Gazette 0024-9882
The Maghreb digest. Middle East and North African Program, School of International Relations, University of Southern California
The Maharashtra civil list. Director, Govt. Print. and Stationery
The Maharashtra co-operative quarterly. Maharashtra State Co-operative Union 0025-0430
The Maine register and state reference book. Masters, Smith & Co.
The Mainstream / The Chapter
The Malayan grading rules for sawn hardwood timber.
The Man from Mainz and his descendants. B.G. Massman 0890-8192
The Manion forum. Dean Clarence Manion 0025-2174
The Mankind quarterly. Cliveden Press [etc.] 0025-2344
37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 1657 of 1892