Search Results

37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 37 of 1892
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Advances in agricultural research in India. R.P Singh Gahlot for International Book Distributors 0971-6394
Advances in anatomy, embryology and cell biology. Springer 0301-5556
Advances in applied business strategy. JAI Press 0749-6826
Advances in applied ceramics : structural, functional and bioceramics. Maney for the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining 1743-6753
Advances in applied developmental psychology. Ablex Pub. Corp 0748-8572
Advances in applied probability. Applied Probability Trust 0001-8678
Advances in archaeological method and theory. Academic Press 0162-8003
Advances in artificial intelligence : Springer
Advances in artificial intelligence in economics, finance, and management. JAI Press 1078-7186
Advances in artificial intelligence in software engineering. JAI Press 1057-6282
Advances in artificial intelligence research : a research annual. JAI Press 1049-7048
Advances in artificial intelligence. Springer
Advances in astronomy and astrophysics. Academic Press 0065-2180
Advances in automobile engineering : Proceedings of a Symposium on Vehicle Ride. Macmillan Co. 0567-9842
Advances in behavior therapy; proceedings of the conference. Academic Press 0587-4378
Advances in behavioral pediatrics. JAI Press 0198-7089
Advances in biochemical engineering. Springer-Verlag 0065-2210
Advances in biochemical engineering/biotechnology. Springer-Verlag 0724-6145
Advances in bioengineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers 0360-9960
Advances in biological and medical physics. Academic Press 0065-2245
37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 37 of 1892