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37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 50 of 1892
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
African studies. Witwatersrand University Press 0002-0184
African yearbook of international law / published under the auspices of the African Association of International Law = Annuaire africain de droit international / publié sous les auspices de l'Association africaine de droit international. M. Nijhoff ; Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers 1380-7412
African zoology. Zoological Society of Southern Africa 1562-7020
Afrika heute. L. Röhrscheid
Afrika und Übersee. D. Reimer 0002-0427
Afrika-Spectrum 0002-0397
Afrique & Moyen-Orient. Presse africaine associée
Afrique du Nord, Moyen-Orient. La Documentation française
Afrique. Société internationale de publications commerciales, culturelles et artistiques
Afro-American literature series.
Afro-Asian and world affairs. Institute of Afro-Asian and World Affairs 0002-0605
Afro-Asian economic review. Afro-Asian Organisation for Economic Co-operation 0002-0613
Afro-Asian writings. Permanent Bureau of Afro-Asian Writers 0568-1928
After-tax money income estimates of households. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census :
Ag : darkroom practice & photography. Timothy Benn 1475-116X
Ag+ photographic. Ag+ Photographic 1352-3023
AGARD annual meeting. AGARD
Agassiz record : F.E. Wetherell
AGBU : Armenian General Benevolent Union
Age and ageing. Oxford University Press [etc.] 0002-0729
37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 50 of 1892