Search Results

37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 77 of 1892
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
American motor carrier. W.H. Hooker
American motorcyclist and bicyclist.
American music. Sonneck Society and the University of Illinois Press 0734-4392
American national election study / Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
American Newspaper Directory.
American Numismatic Society magazine. American Numismatic Society 2167-2547
American Oxford Down record.
American periodicals : a journal of history, criticism, and bibliography. Journals Division of the University of North Texas Press 1054-7479
American philanthropy for higher education.
American philosophical quarterly. Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh 0003-0481
American photographer. Diamandis Communications, etc 0161-6854
American physical education review / Committee on Publication and Information of the Council of the A.A.A.P.E.
American Poetry & Poetics 0095-1684
American poetry : AP. McFarland & Co. 0737-3635
American poetry index / prepared by the Editorial Board, Granger Book Co. Granger Book Co. 0741-3165
American potato journal. Potato Association of America 0003-0589
American professional pharmacist. American Professional Pharmacist, inc 0096-0349
American quarterly. Johns Hopkins University Press, etc 0003-0678
American renaissance literary report. Transcendental Books
American scene. Thomas Gilcrease Museum Association 0003-0929
37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 77 of 1892