Search Results

23772 results for yearArchived: 2013 - page 294 of 1189
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Cybernetics and systems analysis. Consultants Bureau 1060-0396
Cybernetics. Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0011-4235
Cybium. Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Laboratoire d'ichtyologie générale et appliquée [etc.] 0399-0974
Cynegetica 0590-4692
Cypsela. Diputació de Girona, Servei d'Investigacions Arqueològiques, Conservació i Catalogació de Monuments 0213-3431
Cytogenetic and genome research. S. Karger 1424-8581
Cytogenetics and cell genetics. S. Karger 0301-0171
Cytogenetics. S. Karger 0011-4537
Cytologia : international journal of cytology. [Botanical Institute] 0011-4545
Cytology and genetics. Allerton Press 0095-4527
Cytometry. Wiley-Liss 0196-4763
Cytotechnology. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 0920-9069
Czech music. Music Information Center of the Czech Music Foundation 1211-0264
Czechoslovak economic papers. Nakl. Československé akademie věd 0590-5001
Czechoslovak journal of physics. Academia 0011-4626
Czechoslovak mathematical journal. Academia 0011-4642
Czechoslovakia: Statistical abstract. Orbis 0591-0587
Časopis technologický.
Časopis za kritiko znanosti : Univerzitetni konferenci Zveze socialistične mladine Slovenije, Maribor in Ljubljana. ZSMS 0351-4285
Česká jazykověda. Československá Akademie Věd, Ustav Pro Jazyk Český
23772 results for yearArchived: 2013 - page 294 of 1189