Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
A.S.R.E. journal. |
American Society of Refrigerating Engineers |
0097-7187 |
A.T. journeys. |
Appalachian Trail Conservancy |
1556-2751 |
A.T.S. review; |
A.U.M.L.A. : Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language Association. |
The Association |
0001-2793 |
A/R/C, architecture, research, criticism |
Atlas of the City Publications |
1180-0933 |
AAAS science and technology policy yearbook. |
Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, American Association for the Advancement of Science |
1069-6040 |
Aachener geographische Arbeiten. |
Geographisches Institut der RWTH Aachen im Selbstverlag |
0587-4068 |
AACOBS annual report / Australian Advisory Council on Bibliographical Services. |
National Library of Australia on behalf of AACOBS |
0812-6267 |
AAF bombing accuracy. |
U.S. Army Air Forces |
AALL publications series. |
Fred B. Rothmen & Co., 1960- |
0065-7255 |
AAMC directory of American medical education. |
Association of American Medical Colleges |
0360-7437 |
AAPG bulletin. |
American Association of Petroleum Geologists |
0149-1423 |
AAQ. Architectural Association quarterly. |
Diplomatic and Consular Publishing Services, etc |
0001-0189 |
AAR railroad cost recovery index. |
Economics and Finance Dept., Association of American Railroads |
0734-3620 |
Aarbog for Københavns Universitet, Kommunitetet og den Polytekniske Laereanstalt, Danmarks Tekniske Højskole, indeholdende Meddelelser for det akademiske aar ... |
J.H. Schultz |
Aarbok ... for Numedal, Kongsberg og omegn lag ... |
Anundsen Pub. Co. |
AAS history series. |
Univelt |
0730-3564 |
Aastaraamat. Annales |
0424-6519 |
AAUP bulletin : quarterly publication of the American Association of University Professors. |
The Association |
0001-026X |
AB commercial directory of the Philippines. |
A.G. Briones |