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23772 results for yearArchived: 2013 - page 7 of 1189
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A.S.R.E. journal. American Society of Refrigerating Engineers 0097-7187
A.T. journeys. Appalachian Trail Conservancy 1556-2751
A.T.S. review;
A.U.M.L.A. : Journal of the Australasian Universities Modern Language Association. The Association 0001-2793
A/R/C, architecture, research, criticism Atlas of the City Publications 1180-0933
AAAS science and technology policy yearbook. Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, American Association for the Advancement of Science 1069-6040
Aachener geographische Arbeiten. Geographisches Institut der RWTH Aachen im Selbstverlag 0587-4068
AACOBS annual report / Australian Advisory Council on Bibliographical Services. National Library of Australia on behalf of AACOBS 0812-6267
AAF bombing accuracy. U.S. Army Air Forces
AALL publications series. Fred B. Rothmen & Co., 1960- 0065-7255
AAMC directory of American medical education. Association of American Medical Colleges 0360-7437
AAPG bulletin. American Association of Petroleum Geologists 0149-1423
AAQ. Architectural Association quarterly. Diplomatic and Consular Publishing Services, etc 0001-0189
AAR railroad cost recovery index. Economics and Finance Dept., Association of American Railroads 0734-3620
Aarbog for Københavns Universitet, Kommunitetet og den Polytekniske Laereanstalt, Danmarks Tekniske Højskole, indeholdende Meddelelser for det akademiske aar ... J.H. Schultz
Aarbok ... for Numedal, Kongsberg og omegn lag ... Anundsen Pub. Co.
AAS history series. Univelt 0730-3564
Aastaraamat. Annales 0424-6519
AAUP bulletin : quarterly publication of the American Association of University Professors. The Association 0001-026X
AB commercial directory of the Philippines. A.G. Briones
23772 results for yearArchived: 2013 - page 7 of 1189