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23772 results for yearArchived: 2013 - page 805 of 1189
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Quantum 1/f noise & other low frequency fluctuations in electronic devices. American Institute of Physics
Quantum communications and quantum imaging. SPIE
Quantum electronics. American Institute of Physics 1063-7818
Quantum. National Science Teachers Association 1048-8820
Quarries: list of quarries (under the Quarries Act, 1894) in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Isle of Man. printed for H.M. Stationery Off. by Darling & Son
Quarterly / Virginia Genealogical Society 0884-2965
Quarterly bulletin - American Association of Physicists in Medicine. 0001-0162
Quarterly bulletin of Chinese bibliography. Kraus-Thomson
Quarterly bulletin of economics and statistics. 0564-2795
Quarterly bulletin of electric energy statistics for Europe / United Nations
Quarterly bulletin of the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc Frontier Nursing Service 0016-2116
Quarterly bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Information Specialists = Bulletin trimestriel de l'Association internationale des speĢcialistes de l'information agricole. The Association 1019-9926
Quarterly bulletin of the International Association of Agricultural Librarians & Documentalists. Bulletin trimestriel de l'Association internationale des bibliothecaires et documentalistes agricoles. International Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists 0020-5966
Quarterly journal of literature, science and the arts. John Murray
Quarterly journal of pharmacy and allied sciences. Pharmaceutical Press 0370-2960
Quarterly journal of pharmacy and pharmacology : incorporating the year-book of pharmacy. Pharmaceutical Press 0370-2979
Quarterly journal of studies on alcohol. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, inc. [etc.] 0033-5649
Quarterly journal.
Quarterly journal. Rubber Research Institute of Sri. Lanka 0378-6390
Quarterly journal. At the Offices of the Institute ;
23772 results for yearArchived: 2013 - page 805 of 1189