Search Results

23772 results for yearArchived: 2013 - page 933 of 1189
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Soviet mathematics - doklady. American Mathematical Society 0197-6788
Soviet mathematics. American Mathematical Society 0038-5573
Soviet mathematics. Allerton Press 0197-7156
Soviet meteorology and hydrology. Allerton Press 0146-4108
Soviet mining science. Consultants Bureau 0038-5581
Soviet physics -- Lebedev Institute reports. Allerton Press 0364-2321
Soviet physics journal. Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0038-5697
Soviet physics, crystallography. American Institute of Physics 0038-5638
Soviet physics, JETP. American Institute of Physics 0038-5646
Soviet physics, Solid state. American Institute of Physics 0038-5654
Soviet physics, Uspekhi. American Institute of Physics 0038-5670
Soviet physics. American Institute of Physics 0038-5662
Soviet physics: American Institute of Physics 0038-5700
Soviet plant physiology. American Institute of Biological Sciences 0038-5719
Soviet powder metallurgy and metal ceramics. Consultants Bureau 0038-5735
Soviet rubber technology. Maclaren
Soviet soil science. Scripta Technica, Inc. [etc.] 0038-5832
Soviet statutes & decisions. M.E. Sharp [etc.] 0038-5840
Soviet surface engineering and applied electrochemistry. Allerton Press 8756-7008
Soviet technical physics letters. American Institute of Physics 0360-120X
23772 results for yearArchived: 2013 - page 933 of 1189