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91091 results for yearArchived: 2014 - page 240 of 4555
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Annals of Wyoming. Wyoming Historical Dept 0003-4991
Annals. [The Society]
Annaly biologiĭ / Section of the History of Natural Sciences, Moscow Society of Natural History
Année politique suisse. Schweizerische Politik. Forschungszentrum für Geschichte und Soziologie der Schweizerischen Politik der Universität Bern 0066-2372
Annexe aux bulletins de la Classe de beaux-arts;
Année coloniale.
Année occultiste et psychique. H. Daragon
Année philosophique. G. Baillière
Anniversaire de la fondation de la société.
Anniversary. Amer. Baptist Pub. soc
Annotated bibliography and index of the geology of Zambia (formerly Northern Rhodesia). Govt. Printer 0066-2410
Annotated bibliography of drug abuse research reports and evaluations. The Commission
Annotated bibliography of economic geology. Economic Geology Publishing Co. 0003-5076
Annotated bibliography of papers using the General Social Surveys. Published and distributed by the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
Annotated bibliography of research reports & program studies. New York State Drug Abuse Control Commission, Bureau of Social Science Research & Program Evaluation, Bureau of Program Planning
Annotated bibliography on the use of organolithium compounds in organic synthesis. Lithium Corporation of America, Inc. 0517-337X
91091 results for yearArchived: 2014 - page 240 of 4555