Search Results

91091 results for yearArchived: 2014 - page 4549 of 4555
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
[Pamphlets.]. [The Commission]
[Pamphlets]. National Association of Manufacturers
[Papers of the meetings].
[Papers] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 0579-370X
[Papers]. Thompson Book Co.
[Papers]. Society of Petroleum Engineers, AIME, Dallas Section
[Parazyty, parazytozy ta shli︠a︡khy ïkh likvidatsiï (romanized form)] vip. 1- Naukova dumka,
[Polish Scientific Periodicals. Current Contents with Author Directory]. Ruch Export and Import Enterprise 0860-4304
[Popular report]. The Society
[Prace] 0458-1652
[Preprints] - Conference on Radar Meteorology of the American Meteorological Society. American Meteorological Society 0739-5833
[Proceedings of sessions] 05389224
[Proceedings of the] ... convention / The Association
[Proceedings of the] annual meeting.
[Proceedings of the] International Microelectronic Symposium. The Society 0586-2892
[Proceedings of the] Symposium on trends and applications. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
91091 results for yearArchived: 2014 - page 4549 of 4555