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81074 results for yearArchived: 2015 - page 10 of 4054
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A journal of education & research / The Institute
A journal of female liberation. s.n. 0449-5071
A journal of social sciences : Muzaffarpur Study Forum
A Journal of the proceedings of the Legislative Council at its ... session. [publisher not identified]
A Journal of the proceedings of the Senate of the State of Florida at the ... session of the Legislature. [The State]
A Juhász Gyula Tanárképző Főiskola tudományos közleményei = A Főiskola 0209-4304
A Kertészeti Egyetem közlemenyei = Publicationes Universitatis Horticulturae. Az Egyetem 0368-5217
A Kertészeti és Szőlészeti Főiskola közleményei
A Kertészeti és Élelmiszeripari Egyetem közleményei = Publicationes Universitatis Horticulturae Industriaeque Alimentariae. Kertészeti és Élelmiszeripari Egyetem 0238-6852
A Kertészeti és Szőlészeti Főiskola évkönyve = Annales Academiae Horti- et Viticulturae. Mezogazdasagi Kiado 0368-6817
A Kertészeti és Szőlészeti Főiskola közleményei = Publicationes Academiae Horti- et Viticulturae. A Főiskola 0368-6825
À la page. Librairie Jules Tallandier 0567-4409
A letter from Europe. Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities
A list of American doctoral dissertations printed in [1912-]1938. Kraus Reprint Corp
A List of executive, judicial and county officers of the state of Iowa, also trustees of state institutions, etc. Secretary of State
A List of schools of nursing accredited by the state boards of nurse examiners. American Nurses' Association
A list of the fellows / The College
A list of the officers of the Army and of the Corps of Royal Marines. Printed by G.E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, for H.M. Stationery off
A list of winners of academic distinctions in the Harvard College during the past year together with lists of the scholars of the first group since ... and the winners of the Bowdoin Prizes. The College
A Look at DWI ... accidents, victims, arrests. Dept. of Public Safety
81074 results for yearArchived: 2015 - page 10 of 4054