Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Udyoga Vibhāga, Hariyāṇā ke kāryoṃ kī vārshika praśānīya riporta. |
Hariyāṇā Sarakāra, Udyoga Vibhāga |
Udyoga vyāpāra patrikā. |
Ṭreḍa Feyara Athāriṭī āf Iṇḍiyā |
Udyoga. |
Grāmīṇa Byāṃka |
Udyogoṃ kā vārshika sarvekshaṇa. |
Central Statistical Organisation (Industrial Statistics Wing), Dept. of Statistics, Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India |
Udyogoṃ kā vārshika sarvekshaṇa. |
Central Statistical Organisation (Industrial Statistics Wing), Dept. of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Govt. of India |
Ueber die Fortschritte des Irrenwesens. |
C. Marhold |
Uebersicht der Aemter-Vertheilung und wissenschaftlichen Thätigkeit des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Hamburg-Altona. |
Uebersicht über die Geschäftsthätigkeit des Deutschen Zoll-Parlaments. |
W. Moeser |
Ufahamu : journal of the African Activist Association. |
African Activist Association, African Studies Center, University of California |
0041-5715 |
UFCW action. |
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union |
0195-0363 |
Ufq. |
Ufq |
Uganda; |
UGC bulletin. |
Ugeskrift for agronomer og hortonomer. |
Dansk agronomforening : |
Ugeskrift for agronomer, hortonomer, forstkandidater og licentiate : |
Kandidatorbund |
Ugeskrift for agronomer. |
Dansk agronomforening |
0041-5774 |
Ugeskrift for landmænd. |
Gyldendalske Boghandling |
0909-8046 |
Ugeskrift for læger |
0041-5782 |
Ugolʹ Ukrainy. |
Stalinskoe oblastnoe izd-vo |
0041-5804 |
Ugostiteljstvo. |