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81074 results for yearArchived: 2015 - page 3913 of 4054
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
WAPDA annual report. Water and Power Development Authority
WAPDA news. Wapda Print. Press
Wapda weekly. 0509-5115
War & society. Dept. of History, University of New South Wales 0729-2473
War Against Rape newsletter / WAR
War and peace aims. United Nations Information Office
War bulletin. McGill Commodity Service
War College journal. Army War College
War crimes trials. W. Hodge 2635-2559
War cry and only official gazette of the Salvation Army, America. Published by Frank Smith for the Salvation Army
War cry. Salvation Army
War Cry. s.n. 0043-0234
War food production advisory bulletins.
War in history. Edward Arnold 0968-3445
War libraries / The Association
War medicine, surgery & hygiene. American Red Cross Society in France
War of the Rebellion series. University of the State of New York, Division of Archives and History
War papers. Winn and Hammond
War papers. [publisher not identified]
War sufferers' relief bulletin. Mennonite Central Committee
81074 results for yearArchived: 2015 - page 3913 of 4054