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73452 results for yearArchived: 2016 - page 3595 of 3673
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Who's who in Egypt and the Near East. Paul Barbey Press
Who's who in engineering : Lewis Historical Pub. Co.
Who's who in engineering. American Association of Engineering Societies [etc.] 0149-7537
Who's who in engineering. John W. Leonard Corp
Who's who in entertainment. Marquis Who's Who 1044-0887
Who's who in European politics. Bowker-Saur
Who's who in finance and business. Marquis Who's Who 1930-3262
Who's who in finance and industry. Marquis Who's Who 0083-9523
Who's who in France. J. Lafitte 0083-9531
Who's who in Germany. Intercontinental Book and Pub. Co., German editor R. Oldenbourg Verlag 0510-4009
Who's who in government. Marquis Who's Who 0731-4973
Who's who in health care. Hanover Publications 0149-5445
Who's who in history. Basil Blackwell
Who's who in insurance. Underwriter Print. and Pub. Co. 0083-9574
Who's who in international affairs. Europa Publications Ltd. 0956-7984
Who's who in Israel and in the work for Israel abroad. Bronfman & Cohen Publications, [1969-1980] 0083-9590
Who's who in Israel and Jewish personalities from all over the world Bronfman
Who's who in Italy. Intercontinental Book & Pub.
Who's who in Italy. Who's Who in Italy S.r.l
Who's who in Japan. International Culture Institute
73452 results for yearArchived: 2016 - page 3595 of 3673