Search Results

38901 results for yearArchived: 2017 - page 1723 of 1946
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Journal of air law and commerce. Southern Methodist University School of Law 0021-8642
The Journal of air law. Northwestern University Press
The Journal of ambulatory care management. Aspen Systems Corp 0148-9917
The Journal of American drama and theatre. CASTA, CUNY Graduate School 1044-937X
The Journal of American folk-lore. Published for the American Folk-lore Society by Houghton, Mifflin, and Co. 0021-8715
The Journal of American genealogy. National Historical Society
The Journal of American history. Mississippi Valley Historical Association 0021-8723
The Journal of American history. Associated Publishers of American Records 1074-3812
The Journal of American-East Asian relations. Imprint Publications 1058-3947
The Journal of analytical and applied chemistry.
The Journal of animal behavior. Henry Holt and Co. 0095-9928
The journal of animal ecology. Blackwell Scientific Publ. [etc.] 0021-8790
The Journal of applied ecology. Blackwell Scientific Publications 0021-8901
The journal of arachnology. American Arachnological Society 0161-8202
The Journal of Arizona history. Arizona Pioneers' Historical Society 0021-9053
The Journal of arts management and law. Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation 0733-5113
The journal of arts management, law, and society. Heldref Publications 1063-2921
The journal of Asian studies. Association for Asian Studies, etc 0021-9118
The Journal of at-risk issues. National Dropout Prevention Center and the National Dropout Prevention Network 1098-1608
The journal of behavioral finance / a publication of the Institute of Psychology and Markets and LEA [i.e. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates] Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Taylor & Francis 1542-7560
38901 results for yearArchived: 2017 - page 1723 of 1946