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38901 results for yearArchived: 2017 - page 1736 of 1946
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The journal of the Sapporo Agricultural College, Sapporo, Japan. The College
The Journal of the Senate, including the Journal of the Executive proceedings of the Senate. M. Glazier, Inc.
The Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association. The Association 0038-3139
The Journal of the Thailand Research Society : The Society 0857-4790
The Journal of the Thailand Research Society. The Society
The journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. The Society 1095-5674
The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery. Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery 0083-7156
The Journal of the Walters Art Museum. Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery 1946-0988
The Journal of the William Morris Society. The William Morris Society 0084-0254
The journal of the Wilson Ornithological Chapter of the Agassiz Association. R.M. Strong 1938-6796
The Journal of transpersonal psychology. Transpersonal Institute, etc 0022-524X
The Journal of transport history. University College of Leicester 0022-5266
The journal of urban analysis and public management. Published for Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, by OPA Ltd. 0883-6027
The Journal of urban analysis. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0091-1909
The Journal of urban technology JUT Press 1063-0732
The Journal of vacuum science and technology. Published for the American Vacuum Society by the American Institute of Physics 0022-5355
The Journal of volunteer administration Association for Volunteer Administration 7336535
The Journal of West African languages. Published by the Cambridge University Press in association with the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan 0022-5401
The Journal of wildlife management. Wildlife Society 0022-541X
The Journal. International Association of Pupil Personnel Workers 0020-6016
38901 results for yearArchived: 2017 - page 1736 of 1946