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38901 results for yearArchived: 2017 - page 1840 of 1946
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
UNESCO manuals for libraries. 0082-7495
Unesco science report. Unesco Publishing
Unesco special. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Unfallheilkunde = Traumatology Springer-Verlag 0341-5694
UNHCR bulletin. The Commissioner
UNICEF annual report, Rwanda. UNICEF
UNICEF annual report, Uganda. UNICEF
UNIDO newsletter / United Nations Industrial Development Organization. The Organization 0049-5387
Unified planning work program for transportation planning for the Washington metropolitan region. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board
Uniform Commercial Code. Secretary of State
Uniform CPA examination. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants 8755-8394
Uniform crime reports, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; annual report. Bureau of Research and Development, Pennsylvania State Police 0095-5752
Uniform laws and regulations / United States Government Printing Office 1939-8816
Uniform system of accounts for steam railroads / U.S. G.P.O.
UNILAG sociological review : USR. Dept. of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Lagos 1595-2975
Unimaid journal of women studies. University of Maiduguri Women Study Group 2006-6104
Union catalog of serials currently received in the libraries of the University of Wisconsin--Madison. Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin 0145-8507
Union list of higher degree theses in Australian university libraries. University of Tasmania Library 0313-5853
Union list of periodicals, non-Arabic. Riyad University Libraries
38901 results for yearArchived: 2017 - page 1840 of 1946