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38901 results for yearArchived: 2017 - page 1916 of 1946
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Yamagata Daigaku kiyō. Yamagata Daigaku 0513-4668
Yamaguchi Daigaku Kōgakubu kenkyū hōkoku. Yamaguchi Daigaku Kōgakubu 0372-7661
Yamashina chōruigaku zasshi. Yamashina Chōrui Kenkyūjo 1348-5032
Yan He. Yan He bian ji bu
Yan jiu ji kan / Yunnan sheng li shi yan jiu suo
Yan'an da xue xue bao. Yanandaxue xuebao. "Yan'an da xue xue bao" bian ji bu 1004-9975
Yanābīʻ. Wizārat al-Thaqāfah fī Iqlīm Kurdistān al-ʻIrāq
Yang guan Gansu sheng Jiuquan di qu you dian ju 1003-7527
Yarḥon ha-ʻavodah ṿeha-biṭuaḥ ha-leʼumi. Miśrad ha-ʻavodah
Yayin. Middle East Technical University
Yayin. Middle East Technical University 0570-1341
YaʼAdis ʼAbabā katamā yačerečāro wāgā mamazañā ʼindékes / YaMāʻekalāwi stātistiks bālaselṭān
YaʼItyopyā ḥeg maṣḥét = 0022-0914
YaʼItyop̣yā qwānqwāwočenā sena ṣeḥuf maṣḥét = Institute of Language Studies, Addis Ababa University
Yār-evar = Pondicherry Legislative Assembly Department
YC young children / journal of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. National Association for the Education of Young Children 1538-6619
Ye almanack; Ye Inland Press
Year ... budget speech. Budget Office, Ministry of Finance & Budget
Year book The Conference
Year book The Society
38901 results for yearArchived: 2017 - page 1916 of 1946