Search Results

38901 results for yearArchived: 2017 - page 22 of 1946
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
ACM computing surveys. Association for Computing Machinery 0360-0300
ACM journal on emerging technologies in computing systems. Association for Computing Machinery 1550-4832
ACM letters on programming languages and systems. Association for Computing Machinery 1057-4514
ACM SIGPLAN notices : a monthly publication of the Special Interest Group on Programming Languages. ACM Press 1523-2867
ACM SIGSMALL Symposium on Small Systems : Association for Computing Machinery
ACM transactions on algorithms. Association for Computing Machinery 1549-6325
ACM transactions on computer systems / a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery. The Association 0734-2071
ACM transactions on database systems. Association for Computing Machinery 0362-5915
ACM Transactions on design automation of electronic systems. Association for Computing Machinery 1084-4309
ACM transactions on graphics. Association for Computing Machinery 0730-0301
ACM transactions on information systems : a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery. The Association 1046-8188
ACM transactions on mathematical software. Association for Computing Machinery 0098-3500
ACM transactions on modeling and computer simulation : a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery. The Association 1049-3301
ACM transactions on multimedia computing communications and applications. Association for Computing Machinery 1551-6857
ACM transactions on office information systems : a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery. The Association 0734-2047
ACM transactions on programming languages and systems. Association for Computing Machinery 0164-0925
ACM transactions on sensor networks. Association for Computing Machinery 1550-4859
ACM transactions on software engineering and methodology. Association for Computing Machinery 1049-331X
ACM transactions on the web. Association for Computing Machinery 1559-1131
ACM; proceedings of the annual conference. Association for Computing Machinery 0730-8329
38901 results for yearArchived: 2017 - page 22 of 1946