Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Sociological methodology. |
Jossey-Bass |
0081-1750 |
Sociological perspectives : SP : official publication of the Pacific Sociological Association. |
Sage Publications |
0731-1214 |
Sociological studies of children. |
JAI Press |
1080-0778 |
Sociological symposium. |
Dept of Sociology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, etc |
0038-027X |
Sociologický časopis. |
Nakl. Čsl. akademie věd |
0038-0288 |
Sociologie et sociétés. |
Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal |
0038-030X |
Sociologisk forskning. |
Sveriges sociologförbund |
0038-0342 |
Sociology of crime, law, and deviance. |
JAI Press |
1521-6136 |
Sociology of religion. |
Association for the Sociology of Religion |
1069-4404 |
Sociology of rural life. |
Agricultural Extension Service, Agricultural Experiment Station, Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics, University of Minnesota |
0544-2885 |
Sociološki pregled. |
Sociološko društvo Srbije, u saradnji sa Centrom za sociološka istraživanja Instituta društvenih nauka [etc.] |
0085-6320 |
Sodruzhestvo : |
The Commonwealth |
Sodžiaus menas. |
Žemės Ukio Rūmų Leidinys |
Software & microsystems. |
The Institution of Electrical Engineers |
0261-3182 |
Software abstracts for engineers : SAFE. |
0790-150X |
Software engineering journal. |
published by the Institution of Electrical Engineers for the British Computer Society and the Institution of Electrical Engineers |
0268-6961 |
Software reviews on file. |
Facts on File, Inc. |
8755-7169 |
Sohyo News |
0560-7485 |
Soil and water conservation district directory / |
The Bureau |
Soil conservation districts. |
U.S. Soil Conservation Service |